The following shows some simple examples of patch processing. See the proc module for a list of all processing functions.
There are several “basic” processing functions which manipulate the patch metadata, shape, etc. Many of these are covered in the patch tutorial, but here are a few that aren’t:
The transpose patch function patch function simply transposes the dimensions of the patch, either by rotating the dimensions or to a new specified dimension.
import dascore as dcpatch = dc.get_example_patch()print(f"dims before transpose: {patch.dims}")transposed = patch.transpose()print(f"dims after transpose: {transposed.dims}")# Dimension order can be manually specified as well.transposed = patch.transpose("time", "distance")
dims before transpose: ('distance', 'time')
dims after transpose: ('time', 'distance')
squeeze removes dimensions which have a single value (see also numpy.squeeze).
import dascore as dcpatch = dc.get_example_patch()# Select first distance value to make distance dim flat.flat_patch =, samples=True)print(f"Pre-squeeze dims: {flat_patch.shape}")squeezed = flat_patch.squeeze()print(f"Post-squeeze dims: {squeezed.shape}")
import numpy as npimport dascore as dcpatch = dc.get_example_patch()# Create a patch with nan valuesdata = np.array([:, 0] = np.nanpatch_with_nan = Drop Nan along axis 1dim = patch_with_nan.dims[1]no_na_patch = patch_with_nan.dropna(dim)assertnot np.any(np.isnan(
decimate decimates a Patch along a given axis while by default performing low-pass filtering to avoid aliasing.
Data creation
First, we create a patch composed of two sine waves; one above the new decimation frequency and one below.
import dascore as dcpatch = dc.examples.get_example_patch("sin_wav", sample_rate=1000, frequency=[200, 10], channel_count=2,)patch.viz.wiggle(show=True);
The rolling patch function implements moving window operators similar to pandas rolling. It is useful for smoothing, calculating aggregated statistics, etc.
Here is an example of using a rolling mean to smooth along the time axis:
import dascore as dcpatch = dc.get_example_patch("example_event_1")# Apply moving mean window over every 10 samplesdt = patch.get_coord('time').stepsmoothed = patch.rolling(time=50*dt).mean()smoothed.viz.waterfall(scale=.1);
Notice the nan values at the start of the time axis. These can be trimmed with Patch.dropna.
The Patch.whiten function performs spectral whitening by balancing the amplitude spectra of the patch while leaving the phase (largely) unchanged. Spectral whitening is often a pre-processing step in ambient noise correlation workflows.
To demonstrate, we create some plotting code and an example patch.
import matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpy as npimport dascore as dcfrom dascore.utils.time import to_floatrng = np.random.default_rng()def plot_time_and_frequency(patch, channel=0):""" Make plots of time and frequency of patch with single channel.""" sq_patch =, samples=True).squeeze() time_array = to_float(patch.get_array("time")) time = time_array - np.min(time_array) fig, (td_ax, fd_ax, phase_ax) = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(9, 2.5))# Plot in time domain td_ax.plot(time,, color="tab:blue") td_ax.set_title("Time Domain") td_ax.set_xlabel("time (s)")# Plot freq amplitdue ft_patch = sq_patch.dft("time", real=True) freq = ft_patch.get_array("ft_time") fd_ax.plot(freq, ft_patch.abs().data, color="tab:red") fd_ax.set_xlabel("Frequency (Hz)") fd_ax.set_title("Amplitude Spectra")# plot freq phase phase_ax.plot(freq, np.angle(, color="tab:cyan") phase_ax.set_xlabel("Frequency (Hz)") phase_ax.set_title("Phase Angle")# fd_ax.set_xlim(0, 1000)return figdef make_noisy_sine_patch():"""Make a noisy sine wave patch.""" patch = dc.get_example_patch("sin_wav", frequency=[1, 10, 20, 54, 66], amplitude=[1, 2, 3, 4, 9], duration=1, sample_rate=200, ) rand_noise = (rng.random( -0.5) *10 patch = = + rand_noise)return patch
Whiten also accepts patches in the frequency domain, in which case a frequency patches are returned. This might be useful if whiten is only a part of a frequency domain workflow.