units: pint.registry.Quantity | str | None[Quantity, str, None] = None,
step: Any = None,
shape: tuple[tuple[int, …], None] = None,
dtype: Any = None,
)-> None
Coordinate interface.
Coordinates are used to manage labels and indexing along a single data dimension.
Coordinates should usually be created with get_coords rather than using the class directly.
Name | Description |
align_to | Align the coordinate to another coordinate. |
approx_equal | Return True if the coordinates are approximately equal. |
change_length | Adjust the length of the coordinate by changing the end value. |
check_time_units | Ensure time units are s if dattype is time-like. |
convert_units | Convert from one unit to another. Set units if None are set. |
coord_range | Return a scaler value for the coordinate (e.g., number of seconds). |
empty | Empty out the coordinate. |
get_attrs_dict | Get attrs dict. |
get_next_index | Get the index a value would have in a coordinate. |
get_sample_count | Return the number of samples represented by a value. |
get_slice_tuple | Get a tuple with (start, stop) and perform basic checks. |
index | Index the coordinate and return new coordinate. |
max | Return max value. |
min | Return min value. |
check_time_units | Ensure time units are s if dattype is time-like. |
new | Update coordinate. |
order | Order coordinate according to array values or samples. |
select | Returns an entity that can be used in a list for numpy indexing |
set_units | Set new units on coordinates. |
simplify_units | Simplify the coordinate units. |
snap | Snap the coordinates to evenly sampled grid points. |
sort | Sort the contents of the coord. Return new coord and slice for sorting. |
to_summary | Get the summary info about the coord. |
update | Update parts of the coordinate. |
update_data | Update the data of the coordinate. |
update_limits | Update the limits or sampling of the coordinates. |