
module of dascore.utils source

Utilities for working with HDF5 files.

Pytables should only be imported in this module in case we need to switch out the hdf5 backend in the future.


Name Description
extract_h5_attrs Extract attributes from h5 file based on structure.
h5_matches_structure Check if an H5 file matches a spec given by a structure.
open_hdf5_file A helper function for getting a tables.file.File object.
unpack_scalar_h5_dataset Unpack a scalar H5Py dataset.


Name Description
H5Reader A thin wrapper around h5py for reading files.
H5Writer A thin wrapper around h5py for writing files.
HDF5Reader A thin wrapper around pytables File object for reading.
HDF5Writer A thin wrapper around pytables File object for writing.
HDFPatchIndexManager A class for writing/querying an index table of summary patch info to hdf5.