
class of dascore.core.coords
inherits from: BaseCoord, DascoreBaseModel, pydantic.main.BaseModel, abc.ABC

    units: pint.registry.Quantity | str | None[Quantity, str, None] = None,
    step: Any = nan,
    shape: tuple[tuple[int, …], None] = None,
    dtype: Any = None,
    start: Any = nan,
    stop: Any = nan,
)-> None

A coordinate which only contains partial information.


Name Description
align_to Align the coordinate to another coordinate.
approx_equal Return True if the coordinates are approximately equal.
change_length Adjust the length of the coordinate by changing the end value.
convert_units No values to change so update can just call new.
coord_range Return a scaler value for the coordinate (e.g., number of seconds).
empty Empty out the coordinate.
get_attrs_dict Get attrs dict.
get_next_index Get the index a value would have in a coordinate.
get_sample_count Return the number of samples represented by a value.
get_slice_tuple Get a tuple with (start, stop) and perform basic checks.
index Index the coordinate and return new coordinate.
max Return max value.
min Return min value.
new Update coordinate.
order Order coordinate according to array values or samples.
check_time_units Ensure time units are s if dattype is time-like.
select Select new values inside coord.
simplify_units Simplify the coordinate units.
snap Snap the coordinates to evenly sampled grid points.
sort Sort dummy array. Does nothing.
to_summary Get the summary info about the coord.
update_data Update the data of the coordinate.