data: ndarray = None,
coords: CoordManager = None,
dims: tuple[str, …] = None,
attrs: dascore.core.attrs.PatchAttrs |[PatchAttrs, Mapping] = None,
A Class for managing data and metadata.
See the patch tutorial for examples.
Parameter | Description |
data | The array data representing fiber optic measurements. |
coords |
The coordinates, or dimensional labels for the data. A few types of input are permitted. If a mapping (eg dict) the value should conform to one of the following three forms: {coord_name: coord} {coord_name: ((dimensions,), coord)} {coord_name: (dimensions, coord)} Where coord can be a numpy array or a BaseCoord object.A CoordManager is also acceptable.
dims |
A sequence of dimension strings. The first entry corresponds to the first axis of data, the second to the second dimension, and so on. |
attrs |
Optional attributes (non-coordinate metadata) passed as a dict or PatchAttrs |
If coordinates and dims are not provided, they will be extracted from attrs, if possible.
If coords and attrs are provided, attrs will have priority. This means if there is a conflict between information contained in both, the coords will be recalculated.
Name | Description |
abs | Take the absolute value of the patch data. |
add_distance_to | Calculate the distance to “origin” and create new coordinate. |
aggregate | Aggregate values along a specified dimension. |
angle | Return a new patch with the phase angles from the data array. |
append_dims | Insert dimensions at the end of the patch. |
apply_operator | Apply a ufunc-type operator to a patch. |
assign_coords | Deprecated method for update_coords. |
check_patch_attrs | Check for expected attributes. |
check_patch_coords | Check if a patch object has required coordinates, else raise PatchDimError. |
conj | Apply the complex conjugate of the patch data. |
convert_units | Convert the patch data or coordinate units. |
coords_from_df | Update non-dimensional coordinate of a patch using a dataframe. |
correlate | Correlate source row/columns in a 2D patch with all other row/columns. |
correlate_shift | Apply a shift to the patch data to undo correlation in frequency domain. |
decimate | Decimate a patch along a dimension. |
detrend | Perform detrending along a given dimension (distance or time) of a patch. |
dft | Perform the discrete Fourier transform (dft) on specified dimension(s). |
differentiate | Calculate first derivative along dimension(s) using centeral diferences. |
dispersion_phase_shift | Compute dispersion images using the phase-shift method. |
drop_coords | Update the coordiantes of a patch. |
drop_private_coords | Drop all private coords in the patch. |
dropna | Return a patch with nullish values dropped along dimension. |
equals | Determine if the current patch equals another. |
fillna | Return a patch with nullish values replaced by a value. |
first | Get the first value along one or more dimensions. |
gaussian_filter | Applies a Gaussian filter along specified dimensions. |
get_array | Get an array associated with patch data or a coordinate. |
get_coord | Get a managed coordinate from the patch. |
get_patch_name | Return the name of the patch. |
get_patch_names | Generates the default name of patch data. |
idft | Perform the inverse discrete Fourier transform (idft) on specified dimension(s). |
imag | Return a new patch with the imaginary part of the data array. |
integrate | Integrate along a specified dimension using composite trapezoidal rule. |
interpolate | Set coordinates of patch along a dimension using interpolation. |
iresample | Deprecated method. |
iselect | Deprecated form of select. |
last | Get the last value along one or more dimensions. |
make_broadcastable_to | Update the coordiantes of a patch. |
max | Calculate the maximum along one or more dimensions. |
mean | Calculate the mean along one or more dimensions. |
median | Calculate the median along one or more dimensions. |
median_filter | Apply 2-D median filter. |
min | Calculate the minimum along one or more dimensions. |
update | Return a copy of the Patch with updated data, coords, dims, or attrs. |
normalize | Normalize a patch along a specified dimension. |
notch_filter | Apply a second-order IIR notch digital filter on patch’s data. |
order | Re-order the patch contents based on coordinate values or indices. |
pad | Pad the patch data along specified dimensions. |
pass_filter | Apply a Butterworth pass filter (bandpass, highpass, or lowpass). |
pipe | Pipe the patch to a function. |
real | Return a new patch with the real part of the data array. |
rename_coords | Rename coordinate of Patch. |
resample | Resample along a single dimension using Fourier Method and interpolation. |
rfft | Perform a real fourier transform along the specified dimension. |
roll | Roll patch array elements along a given dimension. |
rolling | Apply a rolling function along a specified dimension. |
savgol_filter | Applies Savgol filter along spenfied dimensions. |
select | Return a subset of the patch. |
set_dims | Set dimension to non-dimensional coordinate. |
set_units | Set the units of a patch’s data or coordinates. |
simplify_units | Simplify the units contained by the patch to base metric units. |
slope_filter | Filter the patch over certain slopes in the 2D Fourier domain. |
snap_coords | Snap coordinates to evenly spaced samples. |
sobel_filter | Apply a Sobel filter. |
sort_coords | Sort one or more coordinates. |
spectrogram | Calculate a spectrogram from the patch data. |
squeeze | Return a new object with len one dimensions flattened. |
standardize | Standardize data by removing the mean and scaling to unit variance. |
std | Calculate the standard deviation along one or more dimensions. |
sum | Sum the values along one or more dimensions. |
taper | Taper the ends of the signal. |
taper_range | Taper a range inside the patch. |
tau_p | Compute linear tau-p transform. |
transpose | Transpose the data array to any dimension order desired. |
update_attrs | Update attrs and return a new Patch. |
update_coords | Update the coordiantes of a patch. |
velocity_to_strain_rate | Convert velocity DAS data to strain rate using central differences. |
velocity_to_strain_rate_edgeless | Estimate strain-rate using central differences. |
whiten | Spectral whitening of a signal. |