
module of dascore source

A module for loading examples.


Name Description
chirp Create a patch from a chirp signal.
deformation_rate_event_1 An event recorded in an underground mine by a Terra15 unit.
dispersion_event A synthetic shot record that exhibits dispersion.
diverse_spool A spool with a diverse set of patch metadata for testing.
example_event_1 An induced event recorded on a borehole fiber from Staněk, Jin, and Simmons (2022).
example_event_2 example_event_1 with pre-processing.
forge_dss A DSS file from the Forge dataset collected by Neubrex.
forge_dts A DTS file from the Forge dataset collected by Neubrex.
get_example_patch Load an example Patch.
get_example_spool Load an example Spool.
patch_with_null A patch which has nullish values.
random_patch Generate a random DAS Patch.
random_patch_lat_lon Create a patch with latitude/longitude coords on distance dimension.
random_patch_xyz Create a patch with x, y, and z coords on distance dimension.
random_spool Several random patches in the spool.
ricker_moveout A patch of a ricker wavelet with some apparent velocity.
sin_wave_patch A Patch composed of sine waves.
spool_to_directory Write out each patch in a spool to a directory.
wacky_dim_coord_patch A patch with one Monotonic and one Array coord.


Staněk, František, Ge Jin, and James Simmons. 2022. “Fracture Imaging Using DAS-Recorded Microseismic Events.” Frontiers in Earth Science 10.