
function of dascore.examples source

    sample_rate = 150,
    time_min = 2020-01-01,
    channel_count: int = 1,
    duration: float = 10.0,
    f0: float = 5.0,
    t1: float | None[float, None] = None,
    f1: float = 25.0,
    method = linear,
    phi: float = 0.0,
    **kwargs ,

Create a patch from a chirp signal.

Simply uses scipy.signal.chirp under the hood.


Parameter Description
sample_rate The sample rate in Hz.
time_min The start time in the metadata.
channel_count The number of distance channels to include.
duration The duration, in seconds, of the signal.
f0 The frequency of the chirp at the start of the signal.
f1 The frequency of the chirp at the end of the signal.
t1 The time (relative from signal start) corresponding to f1. If None,
use the end of the signal.
method The kind of the frequency sweep. See scipy.signal.chirp for
more details.
phi Phase offset in degrees.
**kwargs Passed directly to scipy.signal.chirp.