dim = time,
shape = (10, 200),
time_min = 2020-01-01,
time_step = 0.004,
distance_min = 0,
distance_step = 1,
patch = None,
Create a delta function patch (zeros everywhere except for a unit value at the center) along the specified dimension. The returned delta patch has single coordinate(s) along the other dimensions.
Parameter | Description |
dim : str |
The dimension at the center of which to place the unit value. Typically "time" or "distance" .
shape : tuple of int |
The shape of the data as (distance, time). Defaults to (10, 200). This is used only if no existing patch is provided.
time_min : str or datetime64 | The start time of the patch. |
time_step : float | The time step in seconds between samples. |
distance_min : float | The minimum distance coordinate. |
distance_step : float | The distance step in meters between samples. |
patch : dascore.Patch |
If provided, creates the delta patch based on this existing patch. Default is None. |