example_name = random_das,
**kwargs ,
)-> ‘dc.Patch’
Load an example Patch.
Options are:
Name | Description |
random_das |
Generate a random DAS Patch. |
patch_with_null |
A patch which has nullish values. |
random_patch_with_lat_lon |
Create a patch with latitude/longitude coords on distance dimension. |
random_patch_with_xyz |
Create a patch with x, y, and z coords on distance dimension. |
wacky_dim_coords_patch |
A patch with one Monotonic and one Array coord. |
sin_wav |
A Patch composed of sine waves. |
chirp |
Create a patch from a chirp signal. |
example_event_1 |
An induced event recorded on a borehole fiber from Staněk, Jin, and Simmons (2022). |
example_event_2 |
example_event_1 with pre-processing. |
deformation_rate_event_1 |
An event recorded in an underground mine by a Terra15 unit. |
forge_dss |
A DSS file from the Forge dataset collected by Neubrex. |
forge_dts |
A DTS file from the Forge dataset collected by Neubrex. |
ricker_moveout |
A patch of a ricker wavelet with some apparent velocity. |
delta_patch |
Create a delta function patch (zeros everywhere except for |
dispersion_event |
A synthetic shot record that exhibits dispersion. |
Using an entry from the data_registry file is also supported. If multiple patches are contained in the specified file, only the first is returned. Data registry files are:
name |
terra15_das_1_trimmed.hdf5 |
terra15_das_unfinished.hdf5 |
terra15_v5_test_file.hdf5 |
terra15_v6_test_file.hdf5 |
iDAS005_hdf5_example.626.h5 |
iDAS005_tdms_example.626.tdms |
sample_tdms_file_v4713.tdms |
example_dasdae_event_1.h5 |
opta_sense_quantx_v2.h5 |
prodml_2.0.h5 |
prodml_2.1.h5 |
h5_simple_1.h5 |
h5_simple_2.h5 |
conoco_segy_1.sgy |
brady_hs_DAS_DTS_coords.csv |
dispersion_event.h5 |
PoroTomo_iDAS_1.h5 |
DASDMSShot00_20230328155653619.das |
opto_das_1.hdf5 |
whale_1.hdf5 |
febus_1.h5 |
ap_sensing_1.hdf5 |
silixa_h5_1.hdf5 |
deformation_rate_event_1.hdf5 |
neubrex_dss_forge.h5 |
neubrex_dts_forge.h5 |
decimated_optodas.hdf5 |
neubrex_das_1.h5 |
UoU_lf_urban.hdf5 |
small_channel_patch.sgy |
gdr_1.h5 |
Parameter | Description |
example_name | The name of the example to load. Options are listed above. |
**kwargs | Passed to the corresponding functions to generate data. |
)[’dascore.examples.UnknownExampleError`] if unregistered patch is requested.
Staněk, František, Ge Jin, and James Simmons. 2022. “Fracture Imaging Using DAS-Recorded Microseismic Events.” Frontiers in Earth Science 10.